At last Saturday's Spiritual Laws of Prosperity workshop the old fear of being prosperous being selfish reared its ugly head. It's such a guilt trip that we have taken on - along the lines that everyone else I love can do well (and I'll help them) but it would be wrong and selfish for me to be wealthy.
And yet, secretly (of course) we feel envy when the others do succeed and we face yet another false dawn of hope and disappointment.
Here's the bottom line: You can't help anyone else to prosper unless you can demonstrate prosperity in your own life.
There's no merit in wearing yourself out running after others until you run out of steam. That would be like giving someone a lift to a town 200 miles away without checking that you had enough fuel in your car. If you aren't whole and full and happy before you try and help another you will end up running on empty and, the odds are, they'll get cross with you for not being able to finish what you started!
The only way for the whole world to overcome poverty, hunger, war and hatred is for us to address those issues within ourselves. If they cannot exist in us, then they cannot exist elsewhere. Similarly, the poverty within us is reflected in the world outside.
So, prosperity consciousness is the very opposite of selfishness; it is the most unselfish thing you can do. For if you are truly prosperous you can teach others to prosper too.
Maverick Priest, Stand-Up Comedian, Author and Messy Cook Maggy Whitehouse describes her life of miracles in beautiful Devon
The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity
This Saturday is The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity workshop in Birmingham, England.
Prosperity is the ability to be happy — physically, emotionally, spiritually - and financially – whatever the external climate.
All poverty is first experienced in the soul: it is through making peace between ego, self and soul that we can live a truly abundant life.
This workshop will teach you how to align yourself with the spiritual substance that flows to us all and offer techniques for understanding and releasing the fears and thoughts of lack. that so often surround money, finances, and hopes for happiness.
It will include visualisation and exercises that are simple, practical and effective.
It is good to be both spiritual and abundant – how can we possibly help others to prosper if we ourselves live in fear of lack?
Date: Saturday 26th September 2009. Cost: £50
Location: Moseley, Birmingham.
Time: 10.30am to 5.30pm.
Contact Maggy on: 0121 449 0344.
From my book, The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity:
All poverty is first experienced in the soul Sarah Ban Breathnach.
The great American mystic Joseph Campbell said you could tell the focus of a society by the height of its buildings.
Up until a century ago, churches and temples were the tallest buildings. Then administration took over. Now our great monuments are dedicated to commerce and economics.
Everyone faces his or her own issues with money but those on a spiritual quest have the harder task as they seek to make peace with the issue of God and Mammon. In simple truth, there is no conflict: the Source is the source of all including financial prosperity — but that is not what we have been taught.
Money was invented by humanity; it is a purely imaginative thing fuelled by belief. We have come to see it as a source of evil, inequality and a power in its own right and we have lost the ability to understand it as a natural resource responding to peace and trust at the soul level.
As a teacher of prosperity consciousness for more than a decade I see many clients who are paralysed by fear over money issues. This is not the feeling of fear — that is a passing sensation from the ego — but a deep, soul-based emotion that is ingrained, perhaps even over lifetimes.
The great spiritual teacher, Louise Hay, once responded with a sharp intake of breath when I told her I taught prosperity. She said she would rather teach relationships any time over prosperity as people had so much resistance to it.
The main issue is this: if the soul is activated, as in the spiritual seeker, it must seek union with the Divine. And for century after century (in the Christian world at least), religious teachings have been interpreted to imply that the holy and the good must be poor. Mix this up with aeons of wealth within the Church itself and the promise of ‘jam tomorrow’ — in heaven if you’re good enough and don’t complain — and you have the basis of mixed and contradictory emotion in the soul.
Each human soul knows that it is precious and rare and sacred to the Divine. And yet the teachings of holiness appear to say that it must experience lack in an abundant world. The modern ego is trained not to be selfish but it is rarely taught to be self-full in order to support the soul’s sacred quest.
Judaism, Islam and the other major world religions have their own soul issues to contend with but it is Christianity (especially in the UK) which carries the worst confusion over money. Even if you would not call yourself a Christian in any way, if you have been raised in a nominally Christian country, the financial/spiritual programming of centuries will still have a profound affect on your psyche. Remember the Jesuit saying, ‘Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.’ What we learn at home, at school and from our peers in our childhood will remain as programming forever unless we take conscious steps to change it.
We give to charity; we give to our children; we give whatever we can in order both to be kind and to be good. We pay out on the bills and the house and the car and the credit cards as a priority every month. And because we neglect the call of our soul we give from an empty hand and our soul weeps in consternation at our fear of lack, which we must hide from others because it might be viewed as a judgment from on high because we are not good enough.
There is no reason whatsoever for poverty in this abundant world. The issue is distribution not lack. But spiritually, it needs to be understood that distribution comes from us not from them. By the Law of Cause and Effect, also known as karma and the Law of Attraction, it is our energetic vibration that decides whether we are prosperous or not. It’s not what they told us, it’s what we believe about what they told us. And that can be changed.
Imagine if you had three gifts to give to three people. You walk into the room where they are and one person was bright and excited at the idea of a gift, the second was suspicious or unwilling to trust you and the third said they didn’t want anything and you should give it to the needy, you would find it easy to give to the first one and challenging to give to the last two. If the same thing happened several times, it would be quite normal for you to feel the urge to give to the first person only. The second person would be too much like hard work and often you had to leave the gift ungiven and the third, who was trying to make you do something that wasn’t what you wanted or planned to do, would just feel so confusing that it’s likely that the gift would be dropped or spoilt or broken in the tug of energy.
That’s how it must feel for the Source when it tries to give. You can’t give something to someone who won’t receive it, especially if they believe that you are the one who wrote the rule book on exactly why they shouldn’t receive it!
The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, a sister book to The Little Book of Prosperity and From Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity aims to set the record straight on cosmic, divine law when it comes to our health, wealth and happiness. It attempts to show that spiritual law is all about living abundantly and it is centuries of misinterpretation that have misled and restricted us.
It is clear always that we must guard against being possessed by our belongings (that is such an interesting word: possessions!) so that we are trapped in a life ruled by ‘shoulds’ and ‘things’ instead of being free to go and do what our soul desires. To work at the level of the soul requires discernment and loving kindness — to yourself and to others. Certainly you must have what is beautiful and useful in your life but spiritual growth requires the cutting out of the dead wood so that the beauty can flourish.
It is clear in every spiritual teaching — including Christianity — that abundance is our birthright and everything else is resistance.
To learn to be a magnet for wealth is not a selfish thing for the spiritual seeker. It is a service to the world and all the people in it. You cannot teach abundance to others if you, yourself, live in lack. It is clear that giving and giving and giving to others does not solve the world’s problems. What will solve them is teaching prosperity consciousness and trust in the abundance of a loving Source Energy (whatever you want to call it).
Embrace prosperity consciousness; teach it on and watch the people of this planet respond with joy. This is the world we seek and it is good.
Prosperity is the ability to be happy — physically, emotionally, spiritually - and financially – whatever the external climate.
All poverty is first experienced in the soul: it is through making peace between ego, self and soul that we can live a truly abundant life.
This workshop will teach you how to align yourself with the spiritual substance that flows to us all and offer techniques for understanding and releasing the fears and thoughts of lack. that so often surround money, finances, and hopes for happiness.
It will include visualisation and exercises that are simple, practical and effective.
It is good to be both spiritual and abundant – how can we possibly help others to prosper if we ourselves live in fear of lack?
Date: Saturday 26th September 2009. Cost: £50
Location: Moseley, Birmingham.
Time: 10.30am to 5.30pm.
Contact Maggy on: 0121 449 0344.
From my book, The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity:
All poverty is first experienced in the soul Sarah Ban Breathnach.
The great American mystic Joseph Campbell said you could tell the focus of a society by the height of its buildings.
Up until a century ago, churches and temples were the tallest buildings. Then administration took over. Now our great monuments are dedicated to commerce and economics.
Everyone faces his or her own issues with money but those on a spiritual quest have the harder task as they seek to make peace with the issue of God and Mammon. In simple truth, there is no conflict: the Source is the source of all including financial prosperity — but that is not what we have been taught.
Money was invented by humanity; it is a purely imaginative thing fuelled by belief. We have come to see it as a source of evil, inequality and a power in its own right and we have lost the ability to understand it as a natural resource responding to peace and trust at the soul level.
As a teacher of prosperity consciousness for more than a decade I see many clients who are paralysed by fear over money issues. This is not the feeling of fear — that is a passing sensation from the ego — but a deep, soul-based emotion that is ingrained, perhaps even over lifetimes.
The great spiritual teacher, Louise Hay, once responded with a sharp intake of breath when I told her I taught prosperity. She said she would rather teach relationships any time over prosperity as people had so much resistance to it.
The main issue is this: if the soul is activated, as in the spiritual seeker, it must seek union with the Divine. And for century after century (in the Christian world at least), religious teachings have been interpreted to imply that the holy and the good must be poor. Mix this up with aeons of wealth within the Church itself and the promise of ‘jam tomorrow’ — in heaven if you’re good enough and don’t complain — and you have the basis of mixed and contradictory emotion in the soul.
Each human soul knows that it is precious and rare and sacred to the Divine. And yet the teachings of holiness appear to say that it must experience lack in an abundant world. The modern ego is trained not to be selfish but it is rarely taught to be self-full in order to support the soul’s sacred quest.
Judaism, Islam and the other major world religions have their own soul issues to contend with but it is Christianity (especially in the UK) which carries the worst confusion over money. Even if you would not call yourself a Christian in any way, if you have been raised in a nominally Christian country, the financial/spiritual programming of centuries will still have a profound affect on your psyche. Remember the Jesuit saying, ‘Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.’ What we learn at home, at school and from our peers in our childhood will remain as programming forever unless we take conscious steps to change it.
We give to charity; we give to our children; we give whatever we can in order both to be kind and to be good. We pay out on the bills and the house and the car and the credit cards as a priority every month. And because we neglect the call of our soul we give from an empty hand and our soul weeps in consternation at our fear of lack, which we must hide from others because it might be viewed as a judgment from on high because we are not good enough.
There is no reason whatsoever for poverty in this abundant world. The issue is distribution not lack. But spiritually, it needs to be understood that distribution comes from us not from them. By the Law of Cause and Effect, also known as karma and the Law of Attraction, it is our energetic vibration that decides whether we are prosperous or not. It’s not what they told us, it’s what we believe about what they told us. And that can be changed.
Imagine if you had three gifts to give to three people. You walk into the room where they are and one person was bright and excited at the idea of a gift, the second was suspicious or unwilling to trust you and the third said they didn’t want anything and you should give it to the needy, you would find it easy to give to the first one and challenging to give to the last two. If the same thing happened several times, it would be quite normal for you to feel the urge to give to the first person only. The second person would be too much like hard work and often you had to leave the gift ungiven and the third, who was trying to make you do something that wasn’t what you wanted or planned to do, would just feel so confusing that it’s likely that the gift would be dropped or spoilt or broken in the tug of energy.
That’s how it must feel for the Source when it tries to give. You can’t give something to someone who won’t receive it, especially if they believe that you are the one who wrote the rule book on exactly why they shouldn’t receive it!
The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, a sister book to The Little Book of Prosperity and From Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity aims to set the record straight on cosmic, divine law when it comes to our health, wealth and happiness. It attempts to show that spiritual law is all about living abundantly and it is centuries of misinterpretation that have misled and restricted us.
It is clear always that we must guard against being possessed by our belongings (that is such an interesting word: possessions!) so that we are trapped in a life ruled by ‘shoulds’ and ‘things’ instead of being free to go and do what our soul desires. To work at the level of the soul requires discernment and loving kindness — to yourself and to others. Certainly you must have what is beautiful and useful in your life but spiritual growth requires the cutting out of the dead wood so that the beauty can flourish.
It is clear in every spiritual teaching — including Christianity — that abundance is our birthright and everything else is resistance.
To learn to be a magnet for wealth is not a selfish thing for the spiritual seeker. It is a service to the world and all the people in it. You cannot teach abundance to others if you, yourself, live in lack. It is clear that giving and giving and giving to others does not solve the world’s problems. What will solve them is teaching prosperity consciousness and trust in the abundance of a loving Source Energy (whatever you want to call it).
Embrace prosperity consciousness; teach it on and watch the people of this planet respond with joy. This is the world we seek and it is good.
Marci Shimoff
Amazing free podcast interview with Marci Shimoff. May you be safe; may you be happy; may you be healthy; may you live with ease.
RIP Keith Floyd
I had the delight of working with Keith at the BBC - and my mother never forgave him for being horribly rude about her chives frozen in ice-cubes! He and I had a relationship for a short while; full of surprises, good food (I cooked most of the time however) and a fair amount of alcohol. Rest in peace Keith. Sounds like you had the perfect last day...
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