
NEW! Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Teacher Training.

Would you like to be able to teach others how to prosper in the work they were born to do and the life they were born to live? Now you can.

After nearly 20 years of teaching The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity to thousands, Maggy is training up teachers to continue this valuable work worldwide.

The first classes will be held in Birmingham, England this summer.

The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Teacher Training is a two-weekend training course for those who would like to teach Maggy’s Prosperity Consciousness and Spiritual Marketing Workshops.

Preliminary dates: 15/16 and 28/29 August. The training takes four days.

Only four places remaining. It is likely that there will be further dates Sept-Oct due to the high level of interest.

The course will include a refresher on the two workshops themselves and both oral and written instructions on how to teach them on. It will be certificated.

More and more people are setting up as holistic practitioners nowadays but they are falling flat because of their inner beliefs about money and prosperity and a lack of knowledge of how to market themselves on the 'spiritual internet' with internal work as well as simple physical marketing techniques.

If you are interested in this work, or would like to organize training classes in your area, please email Sarah Jackson on

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