

Commitment and the self-discipline it requires are the hardest part of spiritual development.

It’s commitment that makes you do the meditation, do the follow-up work; take the time to process and start eliminating whatever it is that now, obviously, has to go.

It is lack of commitment that says ‘I meant to do it and the intention is good enough.’ It is lack of commitment that never gets round to meditating; it’s lack of commitment that stops us from thriving. It’s lack of commitment that stops us from unlearning the prosperity blocks that are locked in our egos because it’s just too much effort.

The ego doesn’t like commitment, and you can’t blame it. It has been disciplined out of so much of its joy when you were a child. It has been made to show up for stuff that hurt; it’s been told and sold untruths and painful ‘realities’ for so long that it doesn’t realise the difference between external discipline (“you should do that...”) and internal discipline (“the path of the Divine is the narrow path; you can’t follow it with all that baggage”).

But here’s a story which will hopefully show you just how important it is to have the self-discipline to commit for that extra few minutes in spiritual work (and prosperity work is spiritual work).

A young man came to one of my courses on The Sacred Magic of the Angels. On the first evening we featured Raphael, the healing archangel. In this particular system, students write a letter in one of two ancient scripts and conduct a ritual to contact the Divine via the appropriate angelic energy as a messenger. Participants were invited to invoke the energies of Raphael on a Wednesday (that archangel’s day) by lighting a candle, writing in a mystical script, on certain coloured paper with a black pen. “That’s a bit complicated,” you may say. “Why not affirm or pray or just ask the angel?” The answer is because we are rarely committed enough to disciplined enough to formulate a request exactly and clearly — the chattering mind comes in. For example, if we are asking for money, our mind goes something along the lines of:

“I want to earn more; I need to earn £30,000 a year. Or should it be more? Or is that greedy? I could manage on £25,000. But is that before or after tax? So is it £40,000? And if I earned that would I have to help pay off my partner’s debts? And what about that holiday in the Maldives; he really doesn’t want to go there. Would I go on my own? Or would we end up going to Spain. Well at least we could stay somewhere better. But I want to go to the Maldives. Or should we have the house double glazed? Oh, £40,000 isn’t enough. I want to win the lottery... ”

For the angelic forces of the universe, this is just plain confusing. They don’t know how to sort out what we genuinely want from our meandering. Remember they will never overturn a human being’s free will and if we won’t be clear enough to focus without being sidetracked, then they can’t help us.

Even if we are clear, the underlying voices and chatter of the ego often create an undercurrent that lowers our energy which, in turn, negates our desire.

Of course, in some matters we are clear enough to ask and receive without the complication of ritual but this angelic system is for healing the issues on which we do have blocks and need extra help.

Writing to the angels with ritual and intent is very powerful. You have to focus for a full 10 minutes on exactly what you want. And that is often enough to get the ball rolling even if the ego nay-says it later on.

What is also good about this particular system is that you get specific signs to tell you if your request has been granted. For example a Raphael ‘yes’ could be a bird flying into your home. A ‘yes’ gives you confidence to believe, and draw the desire to you with a stronger vibration. A ‘no’ tells you that your energy is not yet close enough to align to your desire and that more preparation work needs to be done. It’s not a system that appeals to everyone but I’ve found it very helpful for those who doubt their own powers to harness the law of attraction for prosperity.

The group came back the following week and all but one of them had received a sign that said ‘yes’. The young man who had not had an interesting story to tell.

He had been interested in the class, he said, but thought that actually writing the letter was unnecessary. Instead, he had formulated the question, asked it out loud and considered that to be sufficient.

The next day, a bird had flown into the glass of the French windows of his living room and killed itself. He was quite certain that this was the archangel saying ‘yes.’

I believe that it was the Universe making it clear that he had certainly asked; he had shone the light and the answer of ‘yes’ had been sent but it had died because his psyche was unable to let it in. While he is a lovely man, he has never been able to commit to any one spiritual discipline.

Within a month, all those in the class who received a ‘yes’ had achieved their desire; two of them were healings that could even be seen as miracles. To be honest, I have no idea whether or not the young man did as I have never seen him since.

So this month’s exercise is to look at where you may stop short of those ten minutes of commitment that might make all the difference. Could you check your bank statements? Could you listen to that affirmation tape every day for a month? Could you write ten appreciations a night in a gratitude journal? Could you clear out one drawer or box a week?

It’s not true that there’s no gain without pain. But there’s no profound, long term gain without committing to you and to your soul’s development. Prosperity is all about worth. Self-worth. And you are worth it.


The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity - six-week evening Webinar with Maggy Whitehouse.

Brand New — and at an amazing price — The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity Webinar Series with Maggy Whitehouse. A six-part in-depth prosperity course for just £50!

These six life-changing, inspirational, fun and practical Webinars are one-hour sessions covering all the basic principles behind The Spiritual Laws of Prosperity AND new information too — Maggy is always learning more and loves to pass on her experiences and insights.

To purchase this amazing Webinar series, click here.

Topics to covered over the six weeks:

Part One: Money is Part of Prosperity Too.

Many people who are consciously working with the Law of Attraction are still uncomfortable with the idea of using it to draw financial benefits into their lives. This is Maggy's speciality — helping to overcome the resistance to allowing money to be a beneficial source of energy in our lives. There are many 'wealth coaches' out there whose focus on financial issues may feel too pushy and uncomfortable for those engaging in spiritual work — but having resistance to, fear of, or anger about money is a profound block which will affect us, our children, our families and the rest of the world if we don't identify and alleviate it.
In this class we'll take a look at:
  • What prosperity actually is.
  • What money actually is.
  • Why money was invented.
  • How we feel about it — and others who have lots of it.
  • What early training we received about our own self-worth.
  • What common phrases our parents and families used about money.
  • How our childhood beliefs impact on our views about money.

Part Two: Overcoming Resistance.

This section follows on from the first one with participants having had time to research their family and educational training about money. We will examine the religious programming which we may have experienced — even if we were raised in an atheist, agnostic or alternate culture, if we grew up in a nominally Christian country, our views on money will have been affected by that. Unravelling the resistance can be fascinating, thought-provoking and very liberating.
We will look at:
  • Why is money regarded as bad?
  • Were the world's great spiritual leaders really poor?
  • Jesus's teachings on money.
  • St. Paul's/Christianity's teachings on money.
  • What are the first baby steps we can make to overcome this inbuilt resistance?
  • Understanding how 'pushing against' with negativity hinders the flow of all prosperity.
  • Transforming our views on those we blame for the state of the world.

Part Three: Ego, Self and Soul.

For the spiritual seeker it is vital to understand the difference between the levels that we experience within. All too often, our ego will be masquerading as our self — or even our soul. It is not doing this with any unkind intent; it's entire job is to keep us in the comfortable cycles of life that have kept us alive up until now. It's view is "better the devil you know."
But understanding how the ego views prosperity, how your self views it and how your soul experiences it will help you to appreciate that all poverty first originates in the soul and how soul-food will transform your life.

  • Ego — the human reticular activating system. How it works and why.
  • Repetition — and why some affirmations work and some don't.
  • The Happiness Set Point.
  • The role and nature of the self in 'leaving the tribe.'
  • The role and nature of your soul and why this is often hidden by the ego.
  • The wider plan: cosmic consciousness and prosperity.

Part Four: Giving and Receiving.

So many holistic and spiritual people don't understand why it is that they give and give and try so hard to be loving, generous and accommodating and very little comes back to them in return.
The answer is in the four levels of giving. Most of what we have taught to be giving is not giving at all but exchange. The Universe doesn't work with that in the way we expect it to — instead it just gives us more opportunties to give.
Receiving is one of the greatest challenges the holistic or spiritual person faces. But without learning how to receive you cannot help the world to thrive.
  • The four levels of giving.
  • The power of true giving.
  • The selfishness of insisting always on giving.
  • Tithing — the spiritual laws of giving.
  • Receiving — how to do it and how to teach it on.
Part Five: Clearing Clutter & Fun Exercises to Let Go and to Receive.

Clearing Clutter was all the rage a decade ago and with all the clutter-clearing coaches around, I let this part of the course take care of itself. But as the years have passed and the fashion died, it's clear that the clutter is still there. And it's no use painting it pink and hiding it in a corner!
We have to face up to the fact that clutter is resistance; and clutter stops the flow of prosperity. So let's sort it out once and for all!

  • Types of clutter — physical, psychological, spiritual.
  • Understanding the emotional loading on clutter and clearing it.
  • Exercises to help you clear out.
  • The Address Book Exercise.
  • Throwing away your baggage (meditation).
  • Filling the empty space with better.
  • Magic Money Prayer

Part Six: Making it Fun — Including Making a Prosperity Wheel.

A final recap of the six weeks together with a plethora of tools for dissolving resistance, negativity and fear around prosperity consciousness. Maggy will give a detailed Power Point demonstration of how to make your own Prosperity Wheel — these are also known as Dream Boards and Treasure Maps. Prosperity Wheels are a powerful way of engaging both the ego and the Universe in a way that is productive, fun and revelationary.
Maggy will describe her experiences with prosperity wheels and tell you exactly how best to make yours.
  • What colours, sizes and styles.
  • What works and what doesn't.
  • Amending and updating your Prosperity Wheel.
  • Where should your Prosperity Wheel go?
  • Sharing stories of manifestations.
  • The dos and don'ts of helping partners and family with your Prosperity Wheel
  • Treasure boxes.
To purchase this amazing series, Click here. Thank you! Wishing you prosperity, health and joy.


Some good sense.

Good sound sense about how to help yourself, move forward and kick out some of the fluffiness, dross and paranoia that can infect the New Age. Richard Abbot's runs the Natural Living Shows in Birmingham, Cheltenham, Northampton and Peterborough. This is his blog.

Time For Some Not Fake Food.