That's a nice wanky
bollox title isn't it? Implies that I'm a tree-hugging spiritual being in
floaty purple clothes with too many buttons.
At the moment I'm a
woman with a thorn in her foot who's just scared silly the man delivering poll
cards by lying naked on the vegetable patch. Our garden runs around the house
and the veggie patch is pretty sheltered if you're not actually coming into the
driveway and I was decently covered with dressing gown but he probably thought
I was a dead body for a moment.
It's called
'Earthing.' I think it's simultaneously the latest thing and the oldest thing
on the planet. According to "Earthing is a fast-growing movement based upon the major
discovery that connecting to the Earth's natural energy is foundational for
vibrant health."
discovery eh?
there is a lot of truth in the fact that we humans are more and more
disconnected from the Earth. I used to walk barefoot around the house and
garden all summer but stopped probably about a decade ago. And even on the
Moor, it's trainers or walking boots. We're also insulated from the vitamin D
from the sun in our anoraks and trousers. Apparently at the UK's latitude, we can
barely get optimum vitamin D from walking for a couple of hours in shorts and
tee-shirt at Midsummer.
my friend John (who owns about 30 acres of land) has bought himself an
'earthing sheet' to lie on in bed for his aches and pains. You can buy an
earthing pad to put under your office desk to put your feet on. After all, who
has time to sit outside or walk barefoot in the garden any more? We're too busy
on the internet.
I don't
know yet if it's worked for him but I was given two strong hints (I might say
instructions) from friends that I 'should' get into some earthing. This was a
couple of weeks ago when the temperature was still very chilly and the earth
was wet and deeply cold. Oh, and grass wouldn't do. It had to be earth.
I tried it for ten minutes and nearly froze my back off. Yikes!
But it made sense. So I starte to walk barefoot on the moor. Yes I know that's grass (and
poo) but you have to start somewhere. Oh so much city-dweller 'it'll hurt'
stuff came out ... and it was frickin' cold too ... but actually it felt amazing and it certainly focuses you
down on where you put your feet. There are tiny, tiny fledgling gorse bushes on
the Moor and they hurt.
there is also a feeling that comes in that is palpable. Not to mention the a
re-recognition of the extreme comfort of socks and shoes when they go back on.
Now it's
a bit warmer, on sunny days, I will go and lie on the vegetable patch for half
an hour covered either with dressing gown or single duvet. I'd just started
doing it when the healing crisis arrived so who knows if it was contributing to
that or not. But today I managed it again, having walked barefoot on the Moor
yesterday (and picked up an unremovable tiny thorn which will have to dissolve its way out).
vouch for it for one thing already. I'd been getting achey backs nowadays because my neck
vertebrae have been strained. But earthing dissolves that for the rest of the
day, just like that. And the problem is lessening every day.
Now I've
researched it a bit more, it appears that grass is just fine, and so is water
and so is sand—there are lots of interesting websites out there so I won't
point you to just one. Just google 'Earthing.'
In a nutshell: when our bodies lose contact with the earth we
start to carry a positive electric voltage relative to the Earth's own voltage.
Research indicates that this is not good for health and wellbeing.
Earthing the
body returns the voltage to zero. The whole thing is about free-radicals which
are there to help us heal as long as there aren't too many of them. When we
touch the earth, the free radicals that we don't need appear to go 'yippee!'
and dive down into the earth, leaving us clear.
Thank God summer is coming (and we're off to sunny Cyprus at
the end of the month) so I shall be able to test out the theory very thoroughly over the next few months.
And yes, I shall continue to walk barefoot on the Moor because it's a wonderful
thing to do. I shall just examine my feet with tweezers afterwards.
I am leaving interesting footprints in places as I'm very happy
to walk barefoot in the muddy parts too. When just the ball of my foot and toes
show up it looks like a very weird mark. I'm looking forward to passing some
curious hikers on my way back down to Aslan's How who are wondering if they
have seen the elusive prints of the mythical Beast of Dartmoor.
Mind you, she'll be flying down the hill behind me, tongue out
and leaping for beagline joy.
P.S. The thorn vanished after this afternoon's walk on the Moor.
P.S. The thorn vanished after this afternoon's walk on the Moor.
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