
Prosperity Teachers

If you are looking for a qualified Prosperity Teacher in your area — for a personal session, for a talk or for a workshop, please contact the following people. They are listed alphabetically in order of area.


Denise Cunningham. Email:

Deborah Lovell. 
Deborah is an holistic body worker and NLP coach originally from a corporate background. She currently provides Reflexology and Aromatherapy and life coaching, prosperity mentoring to women and men to experience a more enjoyable life.
After many years involved with emotional release techniques Deborah incorporates tools from the Sedona Method and the Journey to help individuals live a happier life with more abundance & bliss.
She is a trained coach and has studied mentoring, counselling skills and uses over 10 years experience to conduct workshops around the UK and 1 to 1 sessions by phone or face to face.


Co. Durham
Havovie Bomanji
Skype ID: Havovie
Tel: 01388 814777 and 07971 886335.
Havovie is available for both individual or group sessions and will also travel to meet clients as well as talking on Skype. She was a qualified dispensing optician, but after living overseas In Pakistan for a few years embarked on her own international export business which she ran successfully for seven years. 
She has considerable insight and empathy for Asian women's issues and is currently writing a series of Angel books for children. Havovie also leads workshops in Dubai and Pakistan.


Lesley Kempster
Tel: 01371 850645.
Lesley is primarily a Child Behaviour Counsellor with extensive experience in counselling both children and parents. She is available for individual and group sessions.
1 Stores Cottages, Shalford Braintree CM7 5HH. 

South London (Croydon)
Winniefred Carneiro MA. 
Tel: 07952 753 916 (m). 0208 656 7869 (home). Email:
Winniefred is a Psychotherapist, Metaphysical Counsellor, Healer and Complementary Therapist working in an eclectic and intuitive manner in private practice since 1997. She is a licenced workshop facilitator who works with individuals and groups putting into practice many different philosophies. She is available to see clients in Croydon and London and will travel by arrangement to outside areas.

South London (Epsom)
Eleana Needham 
Tel: 01737 352 351
Eleana is an experienced and powerful homeopath, a Reiki Master teacher and a maker of healing essences.
She describes herself as "A seeker, a finder, a pathfinder, who has spent just over half a century on this beautiful Earth, has ailed and healed and learned how to find
The Way through twists and turns, floods and rocks, ups and downs, meadows and woods, cities and valleys."

Brendan Johnson:
Call 07779 247175, or 01926 854585 or Skype Brendan_m_johnson.

Brendan is a coach, counsellor, and Interfaith Minister who is happy to work  with clients face to face within a reasonable distance of his base in Kenilworth, or by phone or Skype anywhere. He is passionate about helping people to fully realise their potential. 

Becky Jones:
Tel: 01926 854585; Skype: becky_jones_
Location: Kenilworth, Warwickshire
One-to-one phone or Skype counselling by appointment, quarterly workshops from Autumn 2011 and subject to sufficient demand, an ongoing support / networking group.  May travel to clients by agreement.

Becky has been enquiring into the spiritual aspect of Prosperity for some 3 years since she first met Maggy and was inspired by its obvious potential for  working at the roots of our relationship with the Divine.  Since then, she's been training as an Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Counsellor, ordained in July 2011.

West Midlands (Stourbridge)
Sue MacLusky.
Sue is a certified ‘Laughter Yoga’ teacher, advanced Massage/Bodywork trainer and Holistic Therapist and a freelance writer. Tel: 07810 578 075. Email:

West Midlands (Walsall)
Ronnie Ryder
Ronnie is an experienced Tutor who has taught adults for many years. She majored in Psychology and is pracices in Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage and Swedish Body Massage.
Ronnie specialises in helping people with prosperity wheels/dream boards and is happy to do both individual and group sessions. She lives on the border of North Birmingham and South Walsall.
Tel: 01922 615847. Email:

Barbara Palmer.

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