is exactly that – simple. It’s not definitive and every human being is
different. I have no medical training; this is a researched, journalistic
article only. It’s not short either but it’s as succinct as I can make it. I do have to put a disclaimer at
the end, of course. So you are hereby forbidden to read this until you’ve read
that. Okay?
so much stuff on the Internet about what causes/prevents/cures cancer that you
could trawl through it for days. I can still hit overwhelm on some days and that’s
the last thing anyone wants when they’re already worried. Stress is really, really good for
cancer and, as you know, really not good for you.
Everything here is also in Mum's Not Having Chemo by Laura Bond and/or Everything You Need To Know To Help You Beat Cancer by Chris Woollams.
human beings produce cancer cells but our immune system deals with them quite
easily before they get to be a problem. Even if they do grow into a tumour it
is very common that the immune system will still see it and seal it off so that
it stops growing and does no harm. A pathologist friend of mine said he had
never cut open a body over the age of 50 without finding a small, encapsulated
tumour somewhere.
activates these tumours – or starts another, which the system can’t cope with. Or
a gene mutates. We all have genetic profiles which show, which genes are likely
to mutate ... but they don’t have to
mutate. Cancer generally kick-starts due to stress of some kind, whether
physical or emotional.
1. Sugar.
eats glucose. A cancer cell has ninety two receptors for sugar (receptors are aspects of the cell that identify foods). A normal cell has four receptors.
there’s an active cancer it will feed on every sugary thing that you eat. You
are not eating that muffin, your cancer is. So stop with the sugar.
That is vital. Yes, it’s hard but this is your life we are talking about. You can starve a cancer through diet. That
won’t cure the disease but it will halt it while you look at what else needs to
be done.
there is no cancer, excess sugar can lead to there being one. Here’s how.
every human gut there is a yeast called Candida. UK doctors don’t bother about it and,
when it’s just sitting there and minding its own business that’s fine. But feed
it with too much sugar and it will grow and grow and grow, destroy your natural
stomach bacteria, leave the gut and get into the bloodstream as a fungus.
respected US medical universities are now saying that Candida is the main
precursor to cancer. Certainly more than 70% of all tumours which have been
tested for Candida have contained it in the fungal form. In any case, a spread of Candida depresses the immune system.
First moves towards a solution: Drink Pau d’Arco tea. Take
five grams of vitamin C a day and a very, very good multi-strain pro-biotic –
something like Bio-Kult. You’ll probably need four of those a day for about six
months to get your stomach working properly. They certainly won’t harm you (but
please check your dose with a nutritionist).
Don’t just take Yakult or something similar. The "friendly
bacteria" in Yakult are lactobacilli casei shirota. In Actimel, they are
lactobacilli casei imunitass. Each sweetened drink contains only half the amount to be found out in a quality probiotic supplement.
are all sorts of anti-Candida formulas available. I have no idea which are the
best but Pau D’Arco works very well for me.
Cow milk (which isn’t good for us at all) forms mucus in the stomach which will
make this worse. Goat milk doesn’t. Ditto cow yoghurt. Sheep yoghurt is also
fine. This is according to my irridologist and my immunologist and has worked just fine for me for decades. In fact, I was told I was close to diabetes 2 about 15 years ago. I came off cow's dairy and within 12 months I was all clear.
also messes up our bacterial gut so if you’re serious about this, cut right
back on bread and pasta or go for the gluten-free varieties.
3. Oxygen
hates oxygen. Most of us don’t realize how little oxidized our bodies are. In
my case, I walk on Dartmoor most days and do deep breathing with the climbing so my
body is fairly well oxidized — that’s one of the reasons why my immunologist
couldn’t work out how Nigel turned up. But I did have Candida; I did have deep
emotional stress and other aspects. Without my daily walking I would almost certainly have ended up a lot sicker than I did.
breathe very shallowly when we are stressed and most of us live in big cities
where there is little clean air. Pollution does lower the immune system. I’ve
been reading on how inhaling 3% hydrogen peroxide or putting it in your bath
can be really helpful but I don’t know any more than that at the moment. If
you’re worried about not getting good, clean oxygen, do give that a Google.
4. Exercise
best way to get oxygen of course is to walk in the country. But exercise is
important for two other reasons too.
it gets the lymphatic system going. This has no other way of being stimulated
apart from movement. So if you get up, get in the car and sit in the office all
morning, your lymphatic system is hardly awake. As this is your primary immune
defence system against any disease whatsoever, let alone the rogue cells of cancer, morning exercise is vital to waking it
up. For that, ten minutes of rebounding (mini-trampoline) or dancing to MTV is
making sure that carbohydrates you have eaten don’t get into a cancer cell
(carbs are turned into sugars by your body) you need to exercise for 30 minutes
in the morning and 30 minutes after supper. The magic 30 is the amount of
exercise your body needs to turn what you have eaten into fats rather than
sugars. Then it can use them instead of feeding the cancer.
you can do 30 minutes of something fairly brisk — it doesn’t have to be walking
— within 17 hours of eating, this will work. Unless of course you’ve
eaten an awful lot too much food... Morning and after supper are the key times.
5. Alkalise Your Body.
is the favourite of the ‘eat vegan/raw food’ brigade but it is moot as to whether
or not it will affect existing tumours.
The pH
of normal body tissue is 7.4, which is slightly alkaline, and in almost every
experiment done with cancer cells, they are grown in an environment at that pH.
But when a tumor develops, it creates its own acidic environment (I
believe partly because it doesn’t use oxygen), and so the pH of your blood no
longer determines the pH of the cancer.
if your body is highly acidic — sugar (again, sigh), meat and no veg and all
the lovely foods that you’ve been warned against for yonks — it’s not good for
the immune system. So it’s still worth checking and sorting out your basic pH.
Your doctor can test it (though it varies every day) or you can get pH strips
from the Internet.
is some very interesting evidence that if you inject bicarbonate of soda —
which is very alkaline — into a tumour, it collapses (don’t try this at home). The primary medical person researching this is
Dr. Tullio Simoncini. Also try Dr. Sircus.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini. Also try Dr. Sircus.
Vitamin D.
of us have a vitamin D deficiency unless we live in a sunny country and spend a
lot of time with bare skin outside. In lymphoma patients at least there is
strong evidence that low levels are detrimental to life-expectancy and high
levels reduce tumours. In breast cancer, there is evidence that if all women
took a vitamin D supplement, the rate of breast cancer would fall by 25%. Even higher possible statistics here. There
is now serious research going on into this wonder-supplement.
D deficiency is now recognized as an epidemic in the United States...There is
mounting scientific evidence that implicates vitamin D deficiency with an
increased risk of type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis,
hypertension, cardiovascular heart disease, and many common deadly cancers.”...Boston University School of Medicine,
Vitamin D Laboratory.
It is not possible to receive vitamin D from the
sun for those living north of latitude 45 (which cuts through the south of
France) during the six months of winter from approximately October to April.
The sun is too low on the horizon for the required ultraviolet B (UV-B) rays to
penetrate the atmosphere.
a load of research on vitamin D and cancer here.
A vitamin D supplement must be fat or oil
based to work properly.
also needs a diet with sufficient vitamin K2, calcium and magnesium. Vitamins
are a minefield in this area but if you have any fears, supplement with D, K2
and magnesium. Calcium is moot as a lot of the calcium sold is not helpful
stuff. Probably better to get it from your goat milk or yoghurt. If you are
Japanese, hit the natto!
7. Stress and Happiness.
we move past the body to what I think are the two most important aspects.
a definition of ‘the cancer personality’ from Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic.
1. Being highly conscientious,
caring, dutiful, responsible, hard-working, and usually of above average
2. Exhibits a strong tendency toward
carrying other people's burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and
often "worrying for others."
3. Having a deep-seated need to make
others happy. Being a "people pleaser" with a great need for
4. Often lacking closeness with one
or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness
with spouse or others who would normally be close.
5. Harbours long-suppressed
toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment and / or hostility. The
cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has
great difficulty expressing them.
6. Reacts adversely to stress, and
often becomes unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually
experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of
detectable cancer. The patient is not able to cope with this traumatic event or
series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of
suppressed reactions to stress.
7. Has an inability to resolve
deep-seated emotional problems/conflicts, usually beginning in childhood, often
even being unaware of their presence.
This subject is a whole book ... But in a nutshell, if you want to survive
cancer you’ve got to start being selfish and having fun. This is not optional.
Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, to find
your true creativity.
Capaccionne’s Recovering The Inner Child,
to recover your inner playfulness. And yes, you may have to wear a plastic
tiara or crown round the house for a while.
Having fun means taking time out to do things you want to do. Quite often we don't even know what those might be and that's half the problem. Laughter particularly is vital —it oxygenises our bodies for a start. When I got my diagnosis I started watching an hour of comedy a day on YouTube. That was my most important medicine and it still is a very powerful part of my healing.
Having fun means taking time out to do things you want to do. Quite often we don't even know what those might be and that's half the problem. Laughter particularly is vital —it oxygenises our bodies for a start. When I got my diagnosis I started watching an hour of comedy a day on YouTube. That was my most important medicine and it still is a very powerful part of my healing.
8. Life Purpose.
the aspects in no. 7 imply a life lived for others. The greatest task for
anyone who is seeking recovery from or to prevent cancer, is to find their own life’s destiny.
In a nutshell, you have to rediscover your reason for living. It is not your children or our family. They are a vital part of life but they are not your destiny.
In a nutshell, you have to rediscover your reason for living. It is not your children or our family. They are a vital part of life but they are not your destiny.
you follow your destiny, your life and your work inspire others so you are
still incredibly helpful and you will be filled with such love and happiness
that you have huge energy to help others. But
you have to stop making the others your reason for your existence. So often we
help others in order to feel good about ourselves – to make ourselves valuable.
It gives us a wonderful excuse not to follow our own path — the very path that
God put us on Earth to follow. “I can’t learn piano/travel to Australia/be a
dolphin trainer/flamenco dancer etc. because I have to take care of ....” Yes you can. And you must.
put you here for a purpose. It may be that your dis-ease is your soul’s call to
re-discover your life’s purpose. Here’s a clue — it’s something that fills your
heart with joy. It has nothing at all
to do with what others want you to do. It may well seem selfish but it’s your
divine task and no one but you can do it. Once you have the purpose, faith is there because it feels so right. God is there. And where there is faith there is no fear. Fear is so addictive when dis-sease is concerned and it holds us away from faith.
are some words from Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art which may stop you in your tracks. Please think
about them.
Are you a born writer? Were you put
on earth to be a painter, a scientist, an apostle of peace? In the end the
question can only be answered by action.
Do it or don't do it.
It may help to think of it this way. If you were meant
to cure cancer or write a symphony or crack cold fusion and you don't do it,
you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself, you hurt your children. You
hurt me. You hurt the planet.
You shame the angels who watch over you and you spite
the Almighty, who created you and only you with your unique gifts, for the sole
purpose of nudging the human race one millimeter farther along its path back to
Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for
attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in
it. Don't cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you've got.
If you don't know your purpose, and can't even imagine it, then pray to be told when you go to bed at night. Pray and then listen for the next 48 hours. The Holy Spirit will get a message through to you but you do have to listen.
If you don't know your purpose, and can't even imagine it, then pray to be told when you go to bed at night. Pray and then listen for the next 48 hours. The Holy Spirit will get a message through to you but you do have to listen.
None of this is medically proven to do
anything whatsoever. It is simply a journalistic report on what’s out there on
the Internet and it is stuff that has helped me. If you use any of it, it is entirely at your own risk. Definitely do your own research. If you have the slightest doubt you don’t do any of it. In fact, don't even read it. It's rubbish. Thank you.
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