
38. More a Clump than a Blog.

You may have noticed that I tend to put loads of postings up at once instead of daily updates. That’s because I’m writing most of this on the train up to and down from London. Once I’m back home that may change.
I'm taking my laptop to London for creative writing as well as emails etc. I could take the iPad but although that’s a lovely toy it needs a separate keyboard if you’re going to use it as a writer and that kind of takes away the point for me. 
I’ve got work to do as well – I’m ghost writing a book for a Kabbalist friend who has wonderful theories and ideas but lacks the common touch when writing.
Given that the train tickets at the moment are non-restricted and I’m arriving early at the stations to get the first available train, I’m getting to sit at one of the two tables in a carriage which means that there are people on the other side of the table.
This has led to some lovely conversations. Not bad for a hermit like me. On the way home last Friday I sat with a lovely Devon farming woman who has been on archeological digs in the Holy Land so we chatted horses, chickens, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Paganism and lifestyles very happily while also marveling at the flooded landscapes we were crossing.
This morning (Monday 17th February) my companions are a couple from 15 minutes the other side of Okehampton. They got me a black tea from the buffet (this is when I do miss cow’s milk but I’m getting used to it. I’m not really meant to have tea either but bugger it) and we got onto discussing horses somehow.
And they have a horse that needs exercising. It’s half an hour away and 15.2 hh which is perfect for me. This is the third tentative offer of riding for me – the other two were so helpful in making me feel happy last year but they came to nothing. This one may well work. And I so love to ride. I must follow it up.

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Time For Some Not Fake Food.